Board of Directors

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The Board of Directors is responsible for establishing policies for the operation, improvement, and modernization of the Canal, as well as supervising its management pursuant to the National Constitution, the Panama Canal Authority Organic Law, and the Regulations thereto appertaining.


The Panama Canal Authority Board of Directors is responsible for establishing policies for the operation, improvement, and modernization of the Canal, as well as supervising its management.

The board is comprised of 11 directors, whose appointment shall be made as follows:

  • A Director designated by the President of the Republic, who shall chair the Board of Directors and shall have the rank of Minister of State for Canal Affairs.
  • A Director designated by the Legislative Branch, who may be freely appointed or removed thereby.
  • Nine Directors appointed by the President of the Republic with the consent of the Cabinet Council and ratification by an absolute majority of the members of the Legislative Assembly. The Directors shall serve in their posts for a term of 9 years, and may only be removed for the reasons set forth in Article 20 of the Panama Canal Authority Organic Law.

At present, the Panama Canal Authority Board of Directors is made up of the following members: