Panama City, Panama, October 31, 2016 – Today, the Panama Canal launched the Environmental Premium Ranking, a new initiative that rewards customers who meet high environmental efficiency standards.

The new incentive allows qualified customers the opportunity to improve their position within the Panama Canal’s Customer Ranking System, which is taken into consideration when booking for transit through the Panama Canal.

This latest initiative is part of the Canal’s Green Connection Environmental Recognition Program, which recognizes customers who demonstrate excellent environmental stewardship and to encourage others to implement technologies and standards to help reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The program encompasses both the Environmental Premium Ranking and Green Connection Award, which was launched in July 2016 to honor Canal customers who comply with the highest environmental performance standards set by the International Maritime Organization.

Here’s How it Works

The Environmental Premium Ranking will award customers with percentage points in the “number of transits” criteria when calculating the customer ranking. These additional points will allow customers to improve their position in the Customer Ranking System

In order for customers to receive this benefit, their vessels must meet at least one of the following requirements:

1 Energy Efficiency Design Index (EEDI) threshold at least 20 percent below the reference line at least 30 percent below the reference line International Energy Efficiency Certificate
 2 Environmental Ship Index (ESI) threshold at least 35 points at least 80 points ESI database
 3 Low nitrogen oxide (NOx) threshold at least 10 percent below Tier II limit at least 20 percent below Tier II limit Engine International Air Pollution Prevention (EIAPP) Certificate
 4 LNG-fueled  engine LNG-fueled engine LNG engine description


Vessels that qualify as “Level 1” will receive an additional 10 percentage points for each transit through the Canal towards their overall customer ranking, and vessels that qualify as “Level 2” will receive an additional 20 percentage points per transit to improve their rank.

The incentive will become effective for transits beginning January 1, 2017. Participation is optional. Interested vessel must request participation and deliver documentation, which supports the environmental efficiency rating at least 96 hours prior to the vessel’s arrival to Canal waters to the following email:

“With the addition of the Environmental Premium Ranking to our Recognition Program, we’re rewarding those who make conscious efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and invest in technology that will make shipping even more efficient,” said Panama Canal Administrator Jorge L. Quijano. “We look forward to working with our customers and industry partners to further bring value to their businesses and to our route, all while reinforcing commitments to sustainability and environmental protection.

About the Panama Canal Authority
The Panama Canal is run by an autonomous agency of the Government of Panama in charge of managing, operating and maintaining the Panama Canal. The operation of the Panama Canal Authority (ACP) is based on its organic law and the regulations approved by its Board of Directors. For more information, please refer to the ACP’s website: or follow us on Twitter @thepanamacanal.

About the Panama Canal Expansion

The Panama Canal Expansion is the largest enhancement project since the Canal’s opening in 1914. Considered and analyzed for a decade with more than 100 studies, the Expanded Canal provides the world’s shippers, retailers, manufacturers and consumers with greater shipping options, better maritime service, enhanced logistics and supply-chain reliability. The Expansion included the construction of a new set of locks on the Atlantic and Pacific sides of the waterway, creating a third lane of traffic and doubling the cargo capacity of the waterway. While the expanded locks are 70 feet wider and 18 feet deeper than those in the original Canal, they use less water due to water-savings basins that recycle 60 percent of the water used per transit. In line with its commitment to customer service, the Panama Canal will continue to provide the world with value for another century and beyond.