Panama City, Panama, August 20, 2013 – In a major milestone for the Panama Canal Expansion Program, the first four gates for the new locks arrived from port of Trieste, Italy to the waterway’s Atlantic side on board the semi-submersible vessel STX Sun Rise this morning.

“This is an exciting moment for the Panama Canal – the arrival of the new gates marks a great progress for this engineering project,” Panama Canal Administrator Jorge L. Quijano said. “With the Expansion, we will further reinforce our position as the maritime and logistics hub of the Americas.”

Built by subcontractor Cimolai SpA, the first four gates are 57.6 m long, 10 m wide and 30.19 m high, and weigh an average of 3,100 tons. They will be installed in the middle chamber of the new locks in the Atlantic side.

The steel gates will be transported to their final position using the same self-propelled motorized wheel transporters (SPMTs) that are used to load and unload from the ship.

The new locks of the expanded Panama Canal have a total of 16 rolling gates (eight for each new lock complex). The gates are being shipped four at a time from Italy. They will be unloaded onto a temporary dock until ready for installation. Unlike the current Canal, which uses miter gates, the expanded Canal will have steel rolling gates.

The Panama Canal Expansion is 62 percent complete. It involves the construction of a third lane of traffic allowing the passage of Post-Panamax vessels, which will double the Canal’s capacity and have an important impact in world maritime trade.

About the Panama Canal Authority (ACP)
The ACP is the autonomous agency of the Government of Panama in charge of managing, operating and maintaining the Panama Canal. The operation of the ACP is based on its organic law and the regulations approved by its Board of Directors. Please refer to the ACP’s website: or follow us on Twitter @thepanamacanal.