Last week, the Panama Canal held a webinar with international maritime associations to offer an Industry Update.
The Panama Canal Administrator Ricaurte Vásquez Morales and Deputy Canal Administrator Ilya Espino de Marotta provided details on the current outlook of the Panama Canal, the sustainability of the route, short and long-term projects, as well as the most recent measures implemented to save water.
Click on the link bellow to watch the session, including questions and answers.
Please refer to the following links for more information:
- Vessels in queue for transit
- Real-time Weather Radar Animation (updated every 5 minutes)
- Daily average level of Alhajuela reservoir for the last 12 months
- Daily average level of Gatun Reservoir for the last 12 months
- Daily precipitation (rainfall) by sub-basins (Alhajuela/Gatun) and cumulative in CHCP current year 2023
- Advisory to Shipping