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Welcome to Automated Supplier Invoice Information System. This tool provides you with the status of your invoices. To make inquiries, use the same username and password you use for Tender Online System.

1. Invoices submitted by contractors must be original and must contain the following information:

    • Name of contractor to whom the contract or purchase
      order was awarded.
    • Contractor’s address.
    • Panamanian tax identification number (RUC) and check
      digit (DV). Applicable only to Panamanian vendors.
    • Invoice number and date.
    • Contract or purchase order number.
    • Description of goods or services object of the contract
      or purchase order.
    • Quantity, price and total amount of the goods purchased
      or services rendered.

2. Contractors or suppliers domiciled in the Republic
of Panama must accompany their invoices with current and
valid clearance certificates issued by the Ministry of Economics and Finance, (Internal
Revenue Directory) as well as from the Social Security
Institution. Invoices associated to contracts
or purchase orders
lesser or equal to $500.00
are exempt from this requirement.

Causes for Returning Invoices

An invoice is defective and shall be returned when:

1. Does not comply with the requirements above described.

2. The number of the contract or purchase order indicated
on the invoice is mistaken.

3. Makes reference or includes goods or services associated
to more than one contract or purchase order.

Tax Exemption

As stipulated in the Article 43 of the Panama Canal Authority
Organic Law, all goods object of a contract, consigned
to the Authority and identified as such on the contract
as well as all services rendered to the Authority, are
exempt from the payment of any national or municipal levy,
tax, duty, fee, rate, charge, or contribution.


1. Requirements that must fulfill the clearance certificates
(income tax and social security contributions) submitted
along with the supplier’s invoice:

    • The name of the contractor described in the clearance
      certificates must meet the same name described in
      the invoice and the purchase order or contract.
    • The Panamanian tax identification number (RUC) and
      check digit (DV) described in the certificates must
      meet the same RUC and DV described in the supplier’s

2. Procedure for submission of clearance certificates

    • The contractor must submit the originals and a copy
      of both certificates along with the invoice. The certificates
      must be in effect at the moment the invoice is submitted.
    • The original certificates will be returned to the
      contractor once they are matched with the copies.

The Panama Canal Authority shall make a payment within
thirty (30) calendar days after the submission of a complete
invoice and delivery of the object of the contract or
purchase order.

Calculation of the thirty (30) day-period will begin
the day after the latest of these dates:

  1. Date in which the proper invoice (along with the clearance
    certificates and any other document required by the
    Authority) is actually received by the designated billing
  2. Date in which the office designated in the contract
    or purchase order as “Ship To” actually
    receives the goods or services object of the contract.
  3. Date in which the office designated in the contract
    or purchase order as “Ship To” actually
    accepts the goods or services object of the contract, when the contract or purchase order includes
    an inspection and acceptance

The 30-day period shall be reduced if the contractor
offers to the Authority a prompt
payment discount

Examples of payment due date calculations:

First example: Goods were received in the latter date.

Invoice and other documents received date
Goods received date
Payment due date

Second example: Invoice and additional documents were
received in the latter date.

Goods received date
Invoice and other documents received date
Payment due date

Delays in the payment attributable to the Authority

When a delay occurs in the payment process attributable
to the Authority, interest estimated shall be recognized
and paid automatically for the delay period at the LIBOR
rate at three (3) months, valid at the beginning of each

The Authority shall accept a request from a contractor
for assigning payments due or to become due under a contract
to a financial or governmental institution. A payments
assignment contract must fulfill the following requirements:

  • Must be for the total amount of the contract or purchase
    order. The Authority shall not accept payment assignments
    for individual invoices.
  • Assignments must be directed to only one institution.

The payment assignment contract must be submitted
with the following documents:

    • A written notice to the Contracting Officer,
      signed by the authorized representative of the assignor,
      requesting the payment assignment.
    • Authorization of the assignor Board of Directors
      to carry out the payment assignment contract.
    • Public Registration Certificates of the assignor
      and assignee (or equivalent in case of foreign companies)
    • Authorization of the insurance company or any
      other entity guarantor of the contract.
    • Copy of the personal identification documents
      of the assignor and assignee legal representatives.
      If any of these individuals were not resident of
      the Republic of Panama, the personal identification
      documents submitted must be acceptable to the parties.
    • Valid clearance certificates issued by the Ministry of Economics and Finance, (Internal Revenue Directory) as well as by the Social Security Institution, for assignees and assignors domiciled in the Republic of Panama.

The payments assignment contract must:

  • Make reference to the contract or purchase order whose
    payments are being assigned to a third party.
  • Include a statement indicating that the payments assignment
    contract is for all payments due or to become due under
    a purchase order or contract.
  • Indicate that all parties (assignor and assignee)
    release the Authority of any liability resulting from
    the execution of such payment assignment contract.
  • Upon acceptance of the payment assignment by the Authority,
    the contractor must write the following wording on each
    invoice submitted for payment:

“Invoice corresponds to a contract with a payment

The Authority shall make a payment within thirty (30)
calendar days after the contractor submits a complete
invoice along with any required documents and delivers
the goods or services, object of the contract or purchase

To reduce the 30-day period to make a payment, the Authority
accepts the offering of prompt payment discounts. Discounts
will be taken whenever they are proven to be economically
beneficial for the Authority.

A prompt payment discount may be offered before, during
or after a supplier invoice is submitted. Discounts will be offered for all invoices submitted to the Authority by the contractor.
In doing so, the contractor must send, by fax, a written
notice offering the prompt payment discount. See
an example of the notice.

Please send the letter to the following e-mail addresses

Calculation of a discount payment date:

To calculate a discount payment date the following parameters
have to be taken into consideration:

  • The latest of the dates established by the Authority
    for processing the payment. Refer to Payment
  • The discount offered.

Examples of discount payment date calculations:

Discount Offered: 2% in 15 days, net 30.

First example: Goods were received in the latter date.

Invoice and other documents received date
Goods received date
Discount payment date (2% in 15 days)
Payment due date

Second example: Invoice and additional documents were
received in the latter date.

Goods received date
Invoice and other documents received date
Discount payment date (2% in 15 days)
Payment due date

Important notice: The acceptance of
a discount does not exempt the contractor from complying
with the Invoice Requirements and the Payment Terms.

For additional information feel free to contact the Accounts
Payable Unit, Accounting Division, at